Quote Information
Applicant Name
Select the Lines of Business to Quote
In the last five years, has any claim, suit, inquiry, complaint, notice of charge or notice of hearing related to the coverage applied for, including but not limited to actions involving (1) errors and omissions, (2) discrimination, or harassment (3) Fair Housing Act violations (4) wrongful eviction/personal injury (5) Employment Practices, or (6) Wrongful Termination, been made or brought against the Applicant or any entity or person proposed for this insurance?
Classification Selection
Please enter the annual gross income from the management and/or leasing of Residential Properties in the appropriate category fields below:
Condo/Homeowner Association Management Income
Apartment/Cooperatives Management Income
Vacation Properties/Individual Home Management Income
Other Residential Property Management Income
Please enter the annual gross income from the management and/or leasing of Commercial Properties in the appropriate category fields below:
Office Buildings Management Income
Shopping Centers/Malls/Retail Management Income
Industrial/Manufacturing/Warehouse Management Income
Other Commercial Property Management Income
Please enter the number of units managed in the appropriate category fields below:
Condo/Homeowner Assocation Units Managed
Apartment/Cooperatives Assocation Units Managed
Vacation Properties/Individual Home Assocation Units Managed
Other Units Managed
Please enter the amount of commission received from Real Estate sales in the appropriate category fields below: We do not write real estate sales in (AL, AK, CO, ID, IA, KY, LA, MS, NE, NM, SD, TN, WV)
Residential Real Estate Sales
Commercial Real Estate Sales
Placement of Tenants
What percentage of the units managed is the Applicant involved with the placement of tenants?
Employee Breakdown:
Total Number of Employees of the Applicant's Firm:
How many full-time employees?
How many part-time employees?
Total Number of superintendents and maintenance staff who are employed by the owner of the property being managed:
How many full-time Managed employees?
How many part-time Managed employees?